MOI Global
  • Awards


The longer something goes on for, the more likely it is to become formulaic and overfamiliar – you get a whiff of ‘been there, done that, got the t-shirt’.

So how do you keep things fresh even after 15 years? That’s what the B2B Marketing Awards wanted to do when they came to us. How could they continue to get the attention of marketers across the country?

It’s a big challenge, but one that MOI – the 6th fastest growing UK B2B agency, according to B2B Marketing themselves – didn’t hesitate to jump on.

Why the confidence? Because of something that’s ingrained in the way we approach everything we do: the drive to come up with an idea that has something extra about it to turn the heads that count. We have this motivation and standard for every single job, for every single client. The B2B Marketing Awards would be no different.

It’s a big reason why they chose us. They wanted something different, so that’s what we gave them – a head turning creative theme and execution.

After whittling down multiple ideas, a favourite emerged: “Most Wanted”.

With the flexibility to work across the entire event lifecycle from preliminary awareness to the evening itself, it sums up everything the B2B Marketing Awards stand for. On the awards night, the room will be full of marketers and agencies, all waiting to hear if they’ll be going home with a trophy – proof that they’re one of the ‘Most Wanted’.

Images of people are often overused in marketing, and it can quickly get boring if they’re not supported by a strong and powerful creative idea. So we created personas – Maverick, Juggernaut, Rebel, Trailblazer – that embody the characteristics of those individuals who will go out into the world and leave their own unique mark. Each is complete with its own distinctive yet complementary colour palette, resulting in a highly stylised, stand-out design.

But enough talk. Want to see the creative in action? Then check out the B2B Marketing Awards website, or stay tuned for the award ceremony in November.

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