MOI Global
  • Employee
  • People and Culture

The Employee Journey at MOI Global 

As Chief People Officer at MOI Global, I’m often asked about our commitment to the employee experience. So, I thought I’d delve into a cornerstone of that commitment: M|Progression, the employee journey at MOI Global.

M|Progression is our fully automated, responsive, and structured employee journey process. It’s an ambitious undertaking, but one driven by a simple truth: our employees’ success is our success. 

This journey wasn’t born in a boardroom. It emerged from countless conversations with our talented set of employees spread across the world, through many different channels over the last 12 months.  

They expressed a desire for consistency, clarity, transparency, and a defined pathway for growth within MOI Global. We heard them loud and clear, and we responded. 

A transformational shift in career development 

I know what you’re thinking, not another HR initiative…  

Well, don’t worry. M|Progression is so much more than that! 

It’s a transformational shift in how we approach career development here at MOI and is specifically designed to foster that culture of belief and belonging.  

Imagine a system that… 

  • Charts a clear roadmap for your individual goals and aspirations. 
  • Provides personalized learning and development opportunities tailored to your needs. 
  • Offers regular, data-driven feedback and review sessions to fuel your progress. 
  • Empowers you to take ownership of your career journey and the commensurate rewards and benefits through an integrated, 360° feedback loop process. 

That’s the vision behind our inspiring, fully immersive, and engaging employee journey process.  

Committed to our employees’ career growth

M|Progression signifies MOI’s commitment to our employees’ career growth. The agency is fully invested in building a user-friendly system, providing continuous training for both employees and managers, while empowering all line managers to guide development.  

We prioritize open communication to ensure everyone’s voice is heard. In turn, M|Progression empowers people to take charge of their career by setting goals, seeking feedback, and embracing new skills. Everyone is encouraged to hold the business accountable for the system’s effectiveness. 

For line managers, M|Progression provides the tools for their team’s success. They’ll receive data on their team’s strengths and aspirations, targeted development tools for personalized coaching, clear performance frameworks for fair evaluation, and resources to foster open and progressive development and communication for those they manage.  

The key to the success of M|Progression is advocacy and adoption—this is undoubtedly a collaborative effort. We’re all working together to create a thriving environment for every MOI employee. 

Embrace new opportunities for a fulfilling career 

This is just the beginning. We’re committed to continuously refining and optimizing the employee journey process, making it even more responsive and effective.  

But ultimately, its success depends on each person at MOI Global. M|Progression encourages them to take ownership, embrace opportunities, and chart their course to a fulfilling career at MOI Global! 

Building a culture that attracts and nurtures talent

To learn more about our approach to employee progression, have a listen to my conversation with Gemma Hood on the Culturehood Talks podcast below. 

I had a great time sharing with Gemma how we’re taking our Turning Heads™ philosophy—originally designed to help our clients think differently—and turning it inwards to build a culture of continuous employee development.  

We discussed everything from facilitating regular peer-to-peer recognition for great work, to bringing everyone closer together even across regions, to empowering people to make a real difference both individually and as part of a team.

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